Unpretending’s Substack
The Unpretending Spontaneous Podcast
Multiplicity: A Box of Odd Socks podcast #18

Multiplicity: A Box of Odd Socks podcast #18

Bitten by the infamous Rat Mouse!

Introducing our Eccentric Dramatic Person within our System. This episode features the live reactions after we were bitten by the infamous Rat Mouse.

Feel free to laugh yourself silly, as they record trying to process they go and experience many emotions only minutes after the bite.

Cuss words have been editors out of the recording, however there may be a few “Damn,” “Darn it” and lots of “Oh my Gosh.” We also taken out name calling, as we are trying to promote kind self talk.

The conclusion? See below after the images.

Images are added with the recording time for reference as you listen.

Photo via https://unsplash.com/@lottiecorin

Recording @ 1:45

Tasmanian Devil

Recording @ 2:26

We refer to the encounter of the original Rat Mouse. Below is the link to that story.

Unpretending’s Substack
Multiplicity: A Box of Odd Socks #22
Quote above 👆 by William Shakespeare, King Lear. Beware: image of deceased rodent below 👇 When I discovered the lifeless body, I shrieked! Not because I was afraid, I just wasn’t expecting to see he’s tiny form camouflaged on the children’s beanbag. And yes I took a photo. I know that’s weird, but by now you have probably realised that…
Read more

Photo by Unpretending Spontaneous.

Recording @ 2:58

Red Back Spider (not the Red Back that bit us in 2007)

Photo via https://unsplash.com/@raewallis

Recording @ 5:00

Crocodile - The people recorded this describes the fleshy part between the Crocs webbed fingers. The Rat Mouse bit us between our thumb and pointer finger.

Photo by Unpretending Spontaneous.

Recording @ 5:29

Dental Floss Web in 9 year olds room.

Recording @ 6:35.

The Rat Mouse had the same coloured teeth.

Recording @ 11:29

This was not the rodent that but us but at the time they had concluded it was.


We took ourself off to the Emergency Department where we were triaged and only had to wait two and a half hours to see the doctor (that is short in comparison with the average wait where I live).

The doctor said, “Bitten by a rat I hear? How’d you manage that?” A very embarrassed me told the short version of the story.

With a “You’ll be right,” and “Of course you can travel overseas.” He gave me a course of Penicillin and a booster shot that combined Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis.

Thank you Australian Health System for free medical treatment.

Bite mark circled. Photo by Unpretending Spontaneous.

It’s several days later, the bite mark hurts a little bit and my body feels a rather unwell.

However as my body is filled with antibiotics, vaccines and rat bacteria that’s bound to happen.

Our Eccentric Dramatic Person is detoxing with multiple health substances and freshly juiced vegetables so we should bounce back in no time.

Tune in for the next unusual event and as our sister says, “You can’t make this stuff up.”

Thank you for coming to Unpretending’s Substack.

We hope you have a wonderful day 😊

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Unpretending’s Substack
The Unpretending Spontaneous Podcast
Multiplicity: A Box of Odd Socks
This podcast is published from the perspective of our personal story, and/or that of our guests.
Any opinions or statements are said with the thought process of “not causing harm”, our social filters can be discombobulated sometimes and we are not afraid to say what we think.
As we are not experts in many fields we do not offer advice, just opinions and thought processes as we share our journey with the greater world.